While living away at college, many students find themselves eating out more than usual. Tuscaloosa offers a wide variety of restaurants to satisfy anyone's cravings. Besides having numerous fast food restaurants, there are also a number of steak houses and variety restaurants.
Whether you want wings for the big game, or a nice salad lunch at a European-style cafe, Tuscaloosa has what you are looking for. Here is a sample list of some of the more popular restaurants:
Cancun: This Mexican restaurant is located off of MacFarland Boulevard behind the Olive Garden and Chick-Fil-A. They offer a wide variety of mexican food as well as a live Mariachi band on certain nights. Read more about Cancun by going to this link:
Dreamland: If you love BBQ ribs, then Dreamland is the place for you. Dreamland is most famous for it's menu that consists mainly of ribs and loaf bread. See the following link for more information about this cool restaurant: