Welcome! This page was developed and designed by current students in English 319, Technical Writing, at the University of Alabama. Participating students' names and links to their pages are listed to the right. 4/16/2001 We are currently uploading and fine-tuning the site, so please have a look around, and check back for new additions. To report broken links or missing graphics, please send an email to:
Angela Brink, Transportation Information Alshaundra Everret, Apartment Living Brian Hiley, Splash Page and site graphics Riki Hiratsuka, Crime Prevention Sudha Kode, Tuscaloosa Area Schools Megan Lovelace, Vehicle Maintenance Karen McGough, Local Spots (directions to grocery stores, malls, places for copying, movie rental,etc.) John D. O'Neil, Cheap Stuff (groceries, beverages, household products) Field Purcell, Outdoor Recreation